A WW1 Presentation

The World War 1 Presentation on the Life of William Coltman VC

A free 45 minute presentation is available based on the life of William Coltman VC who served in World War 1. William refused to fight as a result of his faith and went to war as a stretcher bearer.  The presentation, shown by William’s great grandson, has been presented to many varied groups all over the UK. Groups have included the WI, Probus, Rotary, U3A, Schools, Civic and various historical  societies to name just a few. If you would like any further information or would like to book the presentation please do not hesitate to contact:

Tim Coltman – tim.coltman@sky.com

Or fill out our contact form here. 

Below is a short video series that looks at the life, faith and achievements of William H. Coltman and these include little snippets of the full presentation which is still available.

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